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The Atlantic City Free Public Library

Help Desk FAQs: Computer FAQs

Frequently asked reference questions for Help Desk staff

Computer Basics


Saving Documents

Social Networking

Downloading Music

How can I download music on my phone?  At the present time, music can only be downloaded from CDs since our system does not allow. music to be downloaded from the Web.

How do I download music from the web or from the CDs?  Putting the music from a CD on your computer—or "ripping", as its more popularly called, is very easy with Apple's iTunes:  First, put your CD in your computer's CD drive and open up iTunes. It may prompt you to import the CD into your library, in which case you can hit yes and let it go.

  1. If it doesn't prompt you, look in the left sidebar for a CD icon. Click on it, and you should see the songs on that CD in the main window. Look to the bottom left corner of the window and you should see an "Import CD" button. Click that, and the CD will begin importing your tracks.
  2. You'll be able to watch its progress from the information pane at the top of iTunes' window. You can also look at the main pane, where the tracks are listed, and you'll see a green check mark next to tracks it's finished importing. The track it's currently importing will have an orange circle next to it.
  3. When it's done, you'll hear iTunes chime and you'll see check marks next to all of your songs. You can now eject your CD, head to "Library" in the left sidebar 

How can I get research or reference assistance?

All Library staff are available to answer questions or offer general assistance.

Call the Library 609-345-2269 ext. 3060 or email us at

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