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Top 10 Energy Efficiency Tips to Save Money

Top 10 Energy Efficiency Tips for the Home

Seal air leaks and properly insulate. Plug energy leaks with weather stripping and caulking, and be sure your house is properly insulated to save up to 20% on heating and cooling bills, while also increasing home comfort.

Install a programmable thermostat to save up to 10% on cooling and heating costs.

Change to new and improved light bulbs. Reduce energy use from about a third to as much as 80% with today’s increasing number of energy-efficient halogen incandescents, CFLs and LEDs.

Look for the Energy Star label, the government’s symbol of energy efficiency, on a wide range of consumer products to save up to 30% on related electricity bills.

Wash clothes in cold water.  Heating the water in a washer uses 90% of the energy used to wash clothes. According to Energy Star, by switching to cold water the average household can save between $30-$40 annually.

Turn off all lights, appliances and electronics not in use. Use a power strip and turn off devices and lights that are not in use to cut standby power, by doing this the average household will save $100 a year on their energy bill!

Be an energy efficient renter. Even if you don’t own your home, you can keep your electric bill down by making energy efficient choices in the areas of your home that you have control over.

Clean or change filters regularly. A dirty furnace or A/C filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool.

Reduce water heater temperature to 120° F to save energy and money on heating water; and wrap the water storage tank in a specially-designed “blanket” to retain the heat. If your water heater is in need of replacement, consider installing an energy efficient tankless water heater.

Use low-flow faucets and shower heads to save on water bills.


Energy 101: Lighting Choices

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